« The world is changing and so do the needs. Manufacturers are adapting to changing behaviours and to new regulations being introduced as a result of this.
For almost 40 years, Mindest’s role has been to organise the recovery and recycling of by-products and waste generated by the industry. Mindest brings together key players from a wide range of different sectors to create longterm solutions that are ecologically responsible and comply with current legislation.
Mindest ensures the implementation of these new economic cycles in order to bring global solutions to the public and private actors it serves. »
Anne Bornhauser
Présidente de MINDEST
MINDEST : a family story

Bertrand Bornhauser began his career in 1966 at Montenay (a brokerage company specializing at the time in cereals) and developed new sectors for animal feed in France, using by-products from the agricultural sector (grape pulp , beetroot, spent grains, cakes, etc.).
Mindest, in order to develop internationally historically very local markets for agro-food by-products (mainly flour and animal fats). His daughter Anne joined him in 1988 and specialized in the sales of animal meal.
In 2000, his 2nd daughter, Alix, joined the company to develop the logistics department, then specialized in the marketing of fats.
The "mad cow" crises are radically changing the markets in which Mindest operates and forcing the company to rethink its entire strategy and development axes.
A new era is beginning in which it is necessary to invent new markets by creating new applications for raw materials historically used in the food industry.
Mindest thus enters the worlds of renewable energy, material recovery and waste treatment, while continuing its historical activity of animal feed and petfood. In 2005, the development of the "organic fertilizers" sector will follow.
In 2014, in order to perpetuate the activity, Bertrand Bornhauser decided to organize his succession by passing the companies on to his 3 children. Anne therefore took the head of the company in 2017 accompanied by Alix, sales director in charge of fatty materials, and Marc, lawyer and CEO of Cabinet Bornhauser in Paris.
Because the world is on the move, Mindest, thanks to its team of experienced professionals, continues to evolve in a permanent search for the development of new sectors adapted to changing demands and needs.
Mindest continues its development in the supply of animal fats for the main producers of biodiesel and "advanced Biofuels".
Strengthening and development of the supply of biomass (biogas, energy, animal feed, etc.)
Our partner in WMS, Dalkia Wastenergy becomes Tiru again with the takeover of the company by Paprec Energy From Waste in July 2021.
1983: creation of Mindest by Bertrand Bornhauser in order to develop the international market for agro-food by-products (mainly flour and animal fats)
1988: Anne Bornhauser joins Mindest
1996 and 2000: 2 "mad cow" crises. Mindest is creating a new sector in collaboration with the veterinary committee of the European Commission for the cross-border incineration of animal meal and fat in Europe. Mindest will incinerate + 1 million tonnes.
- 2000: Alix Bornhauser joins Mindest.
Creation of Mindest WMS (Waste Management Solution), in association with Tiru (Dalkia Wastenergy), entirely dedicated to the valuation of RPIFHW
Since 2003, Mindest has been implementing the cross-border recovery of certain waste (sludge from sewage treatment plants and Wastewater Treatment Residues from Household Waste Incineration Fumes - RPIFHW).
In 2005, Mindest becomes the exclusive supplier of category 1 animal fat for the production of green electricity in Belgium (<100kT / year).
From 2005, Mindest becomes a supplier of raw materials for organic fertilization in Europe.
Since 2015, regular implementation of cross-border transport by train for recoverable hazardous waste (railroad tie, RPIFHW).
In 2017, Bertrand Bornhauser passed the Mindest group on to his children. Anne becomes the CEO of the group.
2017: creation of a waste division at Mindest, in partnership with Philippe Marquer
ISCC EU certification obtained in October 2012.
ISCC DE certification obtained in February 2013
INS (Italian National Scheme) certification obtained in October 2015
In October 2013, creation of AD Biodiesel in partnership with Akiolis and Diester (Avril Group), a company specializing in the production and marketing of biodiesel made from animal fats and Used Cooking Oil (UCO). Mindest is in charge of the European sourcing of animal fats.